Manuela Siegfried

Certified nature and forest therapy guide by ANFT --- Trainer and mentor of new guides ---

Manuela Siegfried

Manuela Siegfried was born and raised in a beautiful and biodiverse country called Costa Rica. Her parents emigrated from Switzerland 50 years ago. By having a biologist as a father, contact with nature became an intrinsic part of her life. This passion for nature led her to work as a tourist guide for almost 4 years. But she wanted something more. Manuela wanted to help people connect with nature not only in a rational but also in a sensory and personal way, so that they could fall in love with the environment and remember the innate relationship we have with our surroundings.

It was then that she read about Shinrin Yoku or forest bathing and the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy. She trained in 2018 in Costa Rica and has been guiding very actively ever since. Her purpose is to help people to awaken their senses and slow down in a natural environment so that they can reconnect with themselves and with nature that surrounds us to understand that we are all part of her and not separate entities.

Certified Forest Therapy Guide

Manuela Siegfried is the first certified forest therapy guide by the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy in Costa Rica, as well as a trainer and mentor of new guides. She has trained people in different countries such as Spain, Canada, France and Puerto Rico and wants to show people the beauty of Costa Rica from a different perspective.



Natural experience

Forest therapy

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